Phases of the Moon
September 2014
the Light was lost for all but Eclipse.
her tastes better suited to those of finest flesh,
lamp posts swaying softly as they sunk into the compost.
a love for everything she had, excluding Dragon-
breath. she slipped her fingers along the rims of banana-
colored, polka-dotted, ferment-lined boots.
she only owned one pair of shoes now: those boots.
the Love was lost for all but Eclipse.
she tripped as she slopped them on, landing in banana-
colored mush. better that that slough off another pound of flesh,
she thought, shoving the Dragon
away. she thought about tossing him into the compost,
but quickly thought better of losing a part of herself to the compost.
soon enough, up filled her little yellow boots,
and little flames tickled her earlobe. the Dragon
was hungry again. hungry for all not yet lost to Eclipse.
if he was truly a being of the flesh,
perhaps, she thought, he might be about the size of a banana.
she laughed before she thought better of mocking him. he'd be 50 bananas
high, she thought, and then i could feed him to the compost.
but he'd never be a being of the flesh, she knew, for flesh
can bleed, and it was only ever her own blood filling her boots.
the Lamb was lost, even to Eclipse,
nibbled and nibbled and gulped by the Dragon
until she forgot. mostly what she remembered was the Dragon.
sometimes she couldn't even remember that the banana
mush was coating the senses now lost, even to Eclipse.
sometimes she thought about putting herself in the compost.
she thought about leaving nothing but a little yellow boot
behind, a reminder of the flesh
capsule that oncr held the Dragon. the flesh
sack so tightly packed with scales and Dragon
teeth that sometimes the tail oozed into her boots.
maybe being a banana
in my next life would be easier, she thought, falling into the compost.
the Lies were lost for all but Eclipse.
she didn't want the Dragon,
sitting there, gnawing at her flesh as if it were a banana
about to go bad, mushing her into compost with naught but a pair of boots.
(but the Lamb had willed it so.)